COVID and Flu Update 11/2/23

November 2, 2023


Dear Parents,

Covid has been spreading like wildfire in Santa Fe the past couple of months, and Flu season is upon us!  To continue to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for my students,  

  • I will do a health assessment on students who appear unwell when they enter the building. If a child has a temperature, or they appear too unwell to learn, they will be sent home.  
  • Students will be required to use hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting the building.
  • Students will be required to show proof that they are Covid negative, if they are exhibiting symptoms of illness.  
  • Students will be required to wear masks if they are sniffling, sneezing or coughing, regardless of negative test.     
  • Hygiene supplies will be readily available, and students will be given reminders about good hygiene practices. 
  • Students will be required to stay home for five days if anyone in their family is sick with Covid (or if they have been exposed to Covid), and must present proof that they are Covid negative before returning.
  • Students who test positive for Covid must stay home for 10 days, or show proof of two negative tests 48 hours apart, before returning.

Following these guidelines is important, as the students and I work in close proximity of each other.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.




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COVID-19 Update 3/13/20

March 13, 2020

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, the Public Education Department has closed all schools across New Mexico between March 16 and April 6 in a proactive measure to minimize the potential spread of COVID-19 in our state.  I have been monitoring the developments not only in our community, but across the globe and have done diligent research based on available science, reports from other countries and school health experts regarding the costs and benefits of school closure.  As a result, I have decided to follow suit and close the learning center through April 6 as well.   During this period, I will thoroughly clean and disinfect the building using E.P.A. registered antimicrobial products for use against COVID-19.  The closure also will allow time to assess and further understand our local situation. 

The following guidelines and procedures will be set into place for continuation of services following the closure, and will remain in effect until threat of the virus has passed. 

To continue to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for my students,  

  • I will disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. 
  • Hygiene supplies will be readily available, and students will be given reminders about good hygiene practices. 
  • Students will be required to stay home if they are sick, no matter how mildly.
  • Students will be required to stay home if anyone in their family is sick, no matter how mildly.
  • Students who have traveled, or whose parents have traveled out of state will not be seen for at least two weeks following their return. 
  • I will do a health assessment (temperature, as well as visual and auditory) on all students and parents before entering the building. If a child or parent has a temperature, looks or sounds ill (glossy eyes, nasal discharge, sneezing, coughing), they will not be permitted into the building.   
  • I will stagger arrival and departure of students.
  • Students will be required to use hand sanitizer when entering the building.
  • I will practice social distancing measures while teaching, and limit close proximity instruction as much as possible.    
  • I will provide individual supply bags for students (pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, glue, etc.) that will be sealed and sprayed with disinfectant after use.  
  • If a child uses shared manipulatives, the materials will be disinfected after each session. 

This has been a difficult decision, but the health and safety of our children and community are my highest prioritities. I will continue to keep a close eye on the progression of the virus and act accordingly.  If there is a substantial spread of the virus in our area, I will close for a longer period of time.  In this event, I will create individual distance learning plans so students will have the option of continuing tutoring remotely.

I am currently exploring applications and platforms that will support interactive online instruction, and can possibly begin remote instruction as soon as March 23.  Please let me know if you are interested.  

We all play an important role in slowing the spread of the virus and protecting those in our local community.  I look forward to seeing the children once this threat has passed.  

Below is an excellent guide about talking to your children about COVID-19.

Other informative websites:

Blessings to you and your families,


COVID-19 in Santa Fe              Community Information and Links

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Catron Community Learning
306 Catron Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Phone: 505.983.8102



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